quinta-feira, janeiro 03, 2008

Presidência portuguesa da UE: o reverso da medalha

A imprensa nacional elogiou de forma unânime o trabalho de Sócrates e da diplomacia portuguesa durante os seis meses da presidência da UE. As televisões e os jornais traçaram um cenário dourado, repleto de feitos extraordinários. Mas... terá tudo sido um mar de rosas? Os observadores internacionais tecem alguns elogios, mas foram bem mais críticos. Veja-se por exemplo esta análise no Euobserver.com (via O Diplomata):

"[...] Lisbon then caused a small PR fiasco out of the final signing ceremony of the document in December. It insisted that the treaty should become the Lisbon Treaty and be formally signed in the Portuguese capital, undermining the green credentials of the EU as leaders flew to Lisbon on 13 December only to fly back later in the day for the traditional end-of-year summit in Brussels.

«This was a bit of a narrow approach,» Mr Incerti told EUobserver «Instead of saying: this is a treaty for Europe and it doesn't matter where it is signed, they said: We are Portugal and this is the treaty of Lisbon.»

[...] Meanwhile, the leadership style of the Portuguese presidency was characterised not only by the smooth presentation skills of prime minister Jose Socrates but also by the sometimes ad hoc approach Portuguese officials of meetings in Brussels. The VAT and Galileo deals, for example, only came about after lengthy and gruelling deliberations which saw the presidency regularly suspend the talks for «five minute breaks» which ended up being «breaks of more than an hour», some EU diplomats complained.

Portuguese lunches are said never to have started before two o'clock, while meeting agendas and speaking times for the EU-Africa summit were distributed only at the very last minute. After the October summit in the Portuguese capital, EU leaders had to wait for hours at Lisbon airport before their planes could depart, since the presidency had not secured enough slots for all 26 government planes to jet off quickly."


Anonymous Anónimo said...

A publicidadezinha redigida ,por encomenda,dos escribas amestrados do regime , de há muito que não convence ninguém...

3/1/08 23:47  
Blogger nelio said...

ninguém compreende a alma lusitana... ;)

4/1/08 18:27  
Blogger José Gomes André said...

"«five minute breaks» which ended up being «breaks of more than an hour" é provavelmente a melhor síntese que alguma vez ouvi sobre a "portugalidade"...

5/1/08 03:02  

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